Lets start with the beginning of our day. I had gotten up, fed my skoonkums, and the decided it was time for me to eat breakfast. Carver seeing that I had food (and how dare I have food and not share with HIM) immediately crawled over to the table and tried to climb up my chair. Which he did, at least half way then fell and smacked his face off of the edge of one of the other chairs. And bit his lip. Giving me a slight heart attack. Because you know that one scream your kid has? The one that means there is something very very VERY serious happening to them and they are NOT kidding around? He screamed that scream. I about peed my pants. So I scooped him up, Sat him on the counter and instantly saw the blood gushing from his mouth. If you have ever met my son, you will know this is not the first and wont be the last head wound he has and will have. I started to soothe him and got a rag and tried to stop the bleeding, but by this point he had worked himself up so much, and swallowed so much blood, he vomited all over me. F U N. SO he then got an emergency bath in the sink, which he loved. (no stitches were needed by the way)

Oh and then, just wait, then he decided that he needed to take ANOTHER bath. Really, he did. My foster sister (we cant take pics of them and post them everywhere, sorry!) Was getting her bath and Grandma walked away for TWO seconds and he was in the bathroom, over the edge of the tub, and splashing happily by the time she had turned around. And yes, he really is that fast. The kids got speed my friends, the kids got speed.
And by this point, it was only 10AM. TEN AM. I don't even want to know what else is to come. I'm already counting the minutes to nap time.
But to cheer us all up (and by us I mean ME) Here are some super cute pics of my chipmunk. They make me giggle EVERY stinkin time.
Oh man, no matter what, I will always love my little boy.