To handle yourself, use your head.....
To handle others, use your H E A R T.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Off roadin' fun... well sort of.

I need to post my Christmas post, I know, I'm SO behind. But here is a sneak peak of that post: for Christmas from Carver's grandpa Wayne, he got the coolest thing a one year old could get, a power wheels four wheeler!! There is a button on the handle bars you can push to make it move! At first he was just thrilled because he loves anything he can sit on and push with his feet. But once he found out that it moves on its own with just a push of a button, we couldn't get him off it.

 Christmas morning with his new ride! (please don't kill me Logan, you look fantabulous.)

 So today, he was on it as usual driving around the house but he kept bumping into things and couldn't figure out how to steer it. He is only one people. So, we took our adventures outside!

On the road!! I love how he leans back when it goes like it's going 50 mph when it probably goes about .2mph if that! But to him, its a speedy Lil hot rod!

 Smiling away as he cruises the streets!

He paused right here, sensing the road block ahead! Then promptly looked at me like hello... you going to help a kid out here??

He had a BLAST needless to say, and threw a tissy fit worthy of the hall of fame when I took him inside for his nap!!

 Here he comes.....

.....and there he goes.


  1. He is so cute, I love you guys! And it wont let me follow your blog so add me as a friend so I can follow it PLEASE!!!

  2. what?! it should let you no one else had a problem!!!! how do i add you as a friend haha and we love you too!!
